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스크린샷 2024-02-20 22.07_edited.jpg

The sound material in the work is based on different type of hum noise. What fascinates me about it is the aesthetic enhancement of these very actually ordinary and rather unattractive sounds in a compositional context. The magnetic field in the video is transformed by sound. Video and sound are generated and developed variably in real time. I work with MaxMSP and jitter in this process.

Variation of Hum I, II, III

스크린샷 2024-02-20 22.23_edited.jpg

Hum Noise


Moire pattern

unwanted, unintended and unwelcomed


Variation of Hum I

for Audio-visualization

Variation of Hum III

for Audio-visualization

Variation of Hum II

for Tr. drum and Live-electronics

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